Our story

When we have decided to move to Bali from Italy we were young and free, we wanted to do something different and live our best lifes but only thinking about today and looking to the future with an open mind, we will see where the future will bring us…We couldn’t imagine that more than a decade later we would rase our child (+ 4 dogs) in Bali and call it our forever home.We felt in love with its people, its culture and of course its natural beauties. Jungles, ocean cliffs, waterfalls… Bali still amazes us after so many years. The love for nature and the ocean brought us here and we want to share this love to our child with the respect that it deserves.

Bali has changed a lot since we first visited, we as well have changed a lot, we were only young adults and now we are parents, the world has changed a lot and not always in a good way. I feel now more than ever that we have the responsibility to protect where we leave for the future of our children. I want our son to be able to swim in an ocean full of fishes and not plastic bottles, see the orangutans wild and free in the Sumatran jungles not in a cage in a zoo. I want him to be able to travel and explore more than what me and his father will ever be able to do.